back to basics- how does search work really?

Every one or rather I should say, every business today really needs to know how does basic search engines work? How does one question asked by any user sitting in any part of the world ( a query in google language ) once put into google search or bing work really? These simple questions need to be made aware by all interested in and dealing with the online world today!

Hence, I thought of writing on this topic after a brief search myself, polishing some terms here and there regarding search and this is what I found.

The basic job of the search engines no matter the brand i.e. Google and Bing primarily.

Credits: GIPHY
  • Crawling

Crawling is a process done by the google bots, spiders, as popularly known by all. Once a piece of content is live in the internet space, google sends their spiders, bots to scrape, scan the content from head to toe, call it whatever. It simply scans/jumps from page to page of one’s site. The spiders jump from one page to the other through the links within a website, hence eventually getting a picture of what sort of a website is it, a good one or a bad one!

  • Indexing

The process of storing data in an organized manner somewhere, a library in common terms, then crawled by spiders again, indexed, rendered for every search query by google every time a user is looking for an answer, hence this required a powerful computer resource for the job. This also means the bigger the site, the more powerful the resource online, and vice-versa.

  • Rendering

As the English word suggests, it is the process of rendering meaning eventually servicing the end-user with the content he or she can visually see and understand and take action as required. Today’s websites are made mostly of HTML, Javascript, and CSS. Here, the browser reads and interprets the language ( any computer language the codes are in ) and presents it in the form the end-user sees on the webpage via converting the codes for the end-user and presenting it in the form of web pages. The higher the load of the files of Javascript, HTML, and CSS, the higher the computing process required for rendering.

  • Ranking

Ranking happens at this stage once the site is live and is visible to the world through the search engines. here, rankings of the web pages happen to keep a few things in mind and following the process of the search engines such as E.A.T. which is expertise on the topic, the authoritativeness of the site, and the trustworthiness of the site for all online. but be very aware, it is also a fact that this goal is not simple and takes a lot of patience and correct strategy for it to work for your website. another factor would be the speed of the site at which it opens for the end-user, primarily also covered in details under the topic of CWV ( core web vitals ). the site with all the hygiene checks in place, would eventually gain more and more popularity among the online community hence building its rankings among the topmost viewed, searched links on the SERPs ( search engine results pages ).

image showing process of search and end-user

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