core web vitals ( cwv)

It’s been a while since I have written but this is totally worth sharing with everyone. It’s about core web vitals ( CVW). This is considered the latest update by Google for the times to come and no matter how sophisticated as it may sound, this will also contribute towards giving importance to the end-users after all, which is another step in the right direction! The importance is towards mobile-first and the core web vitals, both of which are going to come under a bigger tab called page experience in the search console.

As per several readings on the topic, the gist is given to some of the most important elements in the coming times for the site to successfully be indexed and recognized by the biggest giant of the search market. These elements are namely mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing of the user, the HTTPS security for a site, and intrusive interstitial guidelines ( i.e. the consumer’s expectation ). The giant also stresses in order to be successful, the marketers must comply with all four elements mentioned above. Let’s simply touch briefly on the three standards/ metrics so to speak, for achieving the above.


The largest contentful paint refers to the largest portion of the content when that is rendered on the screen of the user and is visible. On the other hand, whichever element is seen first on the user’s screen is termed as the first contentful paint. Most usually, the reason for the poor LCP would be because of the slow loading of the site. Hence, LCP measures the loading aspect of the page. The standard benchmark used is the following

Good ( when the loading time is less than 2.5 seconds )Needs improvement ( is when the loading time is between 2.5-4 seconds )Poor (when the loading time is more than 4 seconds )
largest contentful paint ( lcp )
image credit :


The first input delay as the name suggests, from the time the user clicks a button, taps on the image, CTA, etc to the time the browser is able to respond back to the interaction is the FID number. This is of course the interactivity element of the site and has to be optimal in order to keep the user engaged on the site or else result in high bounce rates on the site. The standard benchmark used for this would be the following

Good ( the FID is considered good if its upto 100 ms )Needs imporovement ( the FID needs improvement if the number is between 100-300 ms )Poor ( the FID is considered poor if it is above 300ms )


The cumulative layout shift is to do with the overall visual competence of the website. The elements which could cause such shifts could the elements such as texts. images, buttons, CTAs, forms, tables, and fonts to name a few. Only if the site is visually stable and smooth to the queries of the user without a hitch, can it gain any confidence and loyalty of the users in the long run. The standard benchmark by industry-standard adopted for the CLS are under for reference

Good ( the CLS is considered good if the time it takes to fix itself is not more than 0.2 seconds )Needs imporovement ( if the CLS is between 0.1-0.25 seconds )Poor ( CLS is considered poor if it takes more than 0.25 seconds to fix )

Now that we know the core web vitals which will make up for the next updates by the search giant, although it is not imperative that everyone would follow these guidelines since one will not get penalized but one is sure to miss out on the updates and on the ladder-up to search results rankings since this will be the norm in the future and rightly so. The update coming up in the search market is rightly given to the mobile-first approach and the core web vitals. Lastly, in order to check for the successful implementation/ optimal results under the three standards stated above, there are several ways to achieve them through optimizing the elements on your site which would result in faster downloads and faster page speeds, making the marketers life a little less complicated, the brands life better and healthier by increasing their bottom dollars and most of all the end-users who would benefit most out of this practice.

PS: Make your site more informational than transactional in order to gain users’ confidence and really leverage the E-A-T practice online.

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